
World Congress on Internet Security 2011

February 26, 2011 - 12:34

I attended the IEEE World Congress on Internet Security in London this week which is "an international forum dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practical implementation of security on the Internet and Computer Networks." The conference was held near Heathrow Airport, London. The conference was overall very interesting with some interesting people & good talks relating to my area of research, as well as other security topics. Disappointingly there was a low attendance and the conference could have been much better if more people had attended.

End of Year Review 2010 - Java Attacks & Defenses

June 25, 2010 - 05:00

Decompilation is a problem for the software industry, with the global revenue loss due to software piracy estimated to be more than $50 billion in 2008. There are several Java decompilers available but none are 100% effective, and many are obsolete/unmaintained.

We found Java Decompiler, JODE and Dava to be good Java decompilers but not perfect. Dava is particularily suited to aribtrary bytecode, while others are suited to javac generated bytecode.

SCAM2009 Presentation - Decompiling Java

September 23, 2009 - 05:00

Decompilation of Java bytecode is the act of transforming Java bytecode to Java source code. Although easier than that of decompilation of machine code, problems still arise in Java bytecode decompilation.

Spring Review Week 2009: Obfuscating Transformations for Decompilation Resistant Java

June 2, 2009 - 05:00

Computer programs are written by a programmer in an English-like programming language, known as source-code. There are many programming languages available to programmers who can choose a language for their specific needs.

Static Source Code Analysis Tools and their Application to the Detection of Plagiarism in Java Programs

July 10, 2008 - 18:11

This project develops a system for detecting plagiarism in sets of student assignments written in Java. Plagiarism is viewed as a form of code obfuscation where students deliberately perform semantics preserving transformations of an original working version to pass it of as their own. In order to detect such obfuscations we assume we have a set of programs in which we attempt to find transformations that have been applied. We investigate tools for static analysis and transformation of Java programs to build a system for plagiarism detection.

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